1. CONTACT ME AT mwpindeepmusicarchive@gmail.com

  2. BOOK A SESSION below

  3. plan for A FREE INITIAL SKYPE CHAT to discuss how I can help


I started this labour of love that is the Sessioneer Series (formerly known as Songwriting & Guitar Guidance) in November 2013 and since then I have seen some excellent results in the understanding of how to connect with your songs, your guitar playing, your lyric writing and your singing - learning about feel and dynamics, finesse, and getting a positive attitude towards your unique skills.

Generally, teachers teach you the facts, the theory, the scales, but beyond that knowledge lies the actual magic of making music, expressing yourself, communicating and developing the artist inside of you. So think of me as the connection to the next stage. I can also show you how to play songs from my own musical history and teach you how to play melodic and articulate arpeggios, the riffs and rhythms, whilst encouraging you to look inside yourself to discover your own hidden talents.

We’ll talk music and exchange ideas as we move forward and perhaps ultimately take your original ideas into the studio and make a record when you are ready (check out THE SESSIONEER SERIES tab above for finished projects). My In Deep Music Archive has been a major inspiration and contributed greatly to the 70+ albums I have been involved with. I would like to share this knowledge and experience with anyone who has aspirations to take their ideas to another level.


i look forward to hearing from you.
